
Istituto Comprensivo
3 Modena

#”Teacher Transition into Innovative Learning Environments”Editors: Imms & Kvan_Mariagrazia Marcarini parla anche di IC3 Modena in un capitolo del libro

Teacher Transition into Innovative Learning Environments

A Global Perspective

Editors: Wesley Imms , Thomas Kvan, (Eds.)

Link al capitolo curato da Mariagrazia Marcarini

Marcarini M. (2021) Pedarchitecture: Which Learning Environments for the Personalisation of Teaching and Learning? An Educational Architecture for the Schools of the Future. In: Imms W., Kvan T. (eds) Teacher Transition into Innovative Learning Environments. Springer, Singapore.

This project investigates how to overcome traditional learning environment’s rigidity; those established practices that may hinder full use of what we might call new learning environments. It addresses how teachers adapt their teaching to changing learning environments, what impact new educational spaces have on teachers and students, how to organise students with different criteria, and how learning environments can be redesigned in old schools with limited investments. The research studies four schools: in Denmark, the Hellerup Folkeskole in Gentofte and the Ørestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen; in Italy, the Enrico Fermi High School in Mantua and IC3 Piersanti Mattarella secondary first grade in Modena. New learning environments are intended to enhance teacher collaboration and stimulate the exchange of new teaching methods, enabling learning personalisation. This is often facilitated by team teaching, which in this chapter is seen as a “bridge-culture” concept, offering a wider vision including structural and organisational details. The chapter discusses how this strategy lead to students improved learning skills, them taking on greater personal responsibility and displaying aptitude to study in different ways. In this sample of “architecture feeds pedagogy” schools, some key concepts are explored that might guide future learning environments design: readability, “semantic-topical”, flexibility, invisible pedagogy and affordances.

Un grazie di cuore a Mariagrazia Marcarini per la curiosità, la ricerca e l'ascolto attento che ha avuto nei confronti della nostra realtà e per la tenacia e la passione con cui ha voluto raccontare anche di scuole italiane in un contesto di confronto internazionale così importante!
Grazie 🙏

Link al libro completo

This open access book focuses on how the design and use of innovative learning environments can evolve as teaching practices and education policies change. It addresses how these new environments are used, how teachers are adapting their practices, the challenges that these changes pose, and the effective evaluation of these changes.

The book reports on emerging research in learning environments, with a particular emphasis on how teachers are transitioning from traditional classrooms to innovative learning environments. It offers a significant evidence-based global assessment of current research in this field by designers, architects, educators and policy makers. It presents twenty-five cutting-edge projects from researchers in fifteen countries. Thanks to the book’s comprehensive international perspective, which combines theory and practice in a single publication, readers will gain a wealth of new insights.

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